Accessing mental health care is now easier than ever for you and your family.

Care Solace confidentially finds available mental health and substance use treatment providers matched to your needs.

Finding mental health and substance use treatment providers can be a daunting task. Care Solace helps you find the right help at the right time.

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Community-Wide Services

With our verified database of over 425K providers, we help you connect with community-based or telehealth treatment services matched to your needs.

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Care Regardless of Insurance

Supporting you with equitable access to care regardless of coverage, including private insurance, Medicaid, and sliding scale options for those without insurance.

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Our experienced Care Companion™ team is available to you at all times — including nights, weekends, and holidays — in 200+ languages to walk you through the mental health system.

When families navigate the mental health care system without the help of Care Solace, they run into barriers.


Care Solace removes the barriers.


83% satisfaction

Our clients are happy with their first matched provider. 


13M  communications saved

We navigate the mental health care system on your behalf so you can focus on your family.


425K+ verified providers

Our database allows us to find providers matched to your unique needs.


When your community partners with Care Solace, our coordination services are available to you at no cost.

Warm Handoff® Referral Process


Our proprietary software allows mental health professionals to easily submit referrals to Care Solace. Once a referral is received, our Care Companion™ team will reach out to help you find a care provider and make an appointment.

Care Match Self-Service Tool


For an anonymous pathway to care, families utilize Care Match, our self-service tool, to search for providers matched to their needs and contact them on their own. Please contact your community for the dedicated link.

Care Match Self-Service Tool


For an anonymous pathway to care, families utilize Care Match, our self-service tool, to search for providers matched to their needs and contact them on their own. Please contact your community for the dedicated link.

Your Questions Answered

Let us know if you have any questions.


 Contact Us