Meeting the Moment in Employers



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About the Panel

Employer leaders discuss prioritizing trust for effective communication, aligning policies with mental health support, and simplifying healthcare plans.  


Key Takeaways

  • Make sure employees know the resources available. Train managers on the impacts of stress and anxiety in the workplace.

  • Have stewards within your company. Empower peers to check on one another. 

  • Simplify healthcare plans. Prioritize making them simpler, affordable, and culturally relevant.

  • Trust is key to effective communication.  Grassroots outreach is important to building that trust.

  • Commit to supporting mental health in the workplace. Align policies with organizational values.


Learn more about how Care Solace can help support the mental health of your community. 


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Our Panelists

April Anderson

April Anderson

Chief Executive Officer

ACI3 Media

Maria Dee

Maria Dee

Executive Director of Workforce Wellbeing

Kaiser Permanente

James Reid

James Reid

Employment and Business Attorney Partner

Honigman Business Law Firm

Pat Campbell

Pat Campbell

Director of Benefits
Robin Antonellis

Robin Antonellis

Executive Director

New England Employee Benefits Council

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